Terms of service.
By entering into an agreement or project with Rachel Whitney you are agreeing to our professional level of service. The below timings are an indication of our standards however you may find that these are exceeded from time to time:
All new requests received via the website contact form are responded to within 7 days.
All new requests via email are responded to within 7 days. If you do not hear from us in this time and want to ensure your message has been received, please feel free to contact Rachel.
For active projects, we are available for you to contact us via email or phone Monday-Friday, 7pm-9.30pm and Saturday - Sunday (10am-5pm). Since Rachel Whitney may be in meetings, a voicemail is in place and all voicemail messages are attended to within 72 hours.
If you have booked a consultation with Rachel Whitney and would like her team to consider your request in advance, you may send any documents or details for her attention no later than 3 working days in advance of your session.
In the case that pre-consultation materials and documents are sent with less than 3 working days, we will strive to attend to things, however it cannot be guaranteed.
Rachel Whitney works with a pool of high quality branding, design, film and advertising sub-contractors/freelancers.
For this reason Rachel cannot be guaranteed to work across every aspect of every project, and you may be referred to other partners who will run some consultations and strategy sessions in her absence.
Rachel Whitney monitors, directs and supervises every project that comes through consultancy and if the project is fully handed over to the third party agency they will then manage all aspects of the project.
We are confident that the branding skills and customer service pools we have on file are both excellent, however if you feel otherwise we welcome you to contact us. (Feedback may be given anonymously if desired).
All feedback is considered as Rachel Whitney grows her consultancy firm.
Project Kick-Off
After initial conversations or receipt of a proposal or estimate, a project is formally kicked off with the payment of the deposit (in most cases 50% of the project total, see Payment).
Rachel Whitney charges for initial consultations due to the sheer amount of initial queries or requests that may require time and research before a project kicks off. This also helps reduce the amount of abortive projects and helps filter out serious requests with non committal ones.
After this point a project is treated as ‘active’ and will be given the necessary level of service with regular updates.
No action or work will take place on your project if the deposit sum is not paid promptly.
The deposit is non refundable but does count towards the total sum invoiced on the project.
If a project has to be put on hold for any given reason, the project will be treated as ‘dormant’ until further written notice, and no further work will take place.
If a project is made dormant for more than 3 months, the original price estimate may be subject to change, however this will be judged circumstantially.
If a project is made dormant, all work is kept within the system for 6 months. After this period the project is considered ‘cancelled’ unless we are otherwise notified in writing of a date to recommence the project, with fair reason.
You will be asked for approval at several stages in the branding process.
All approvals must be made in writing, ideally in email.
In the case that client approvals cannot be made in writing, Rachel Whitney will formalize in person, phone conversation or Text message/Zoom approvals in writing in an email to you, the client. It is understood that the client accepts this approval unless otherwise notified in writing within 24 hours of receipt of this email.
The client takes responsibility for considering the project options and giving approval.
Changes in opinion or to the project after the above sign off has been accepted is treated as ‘Additional Work’ and will incur further fees.
Prices as quoted on the website are guide prices only.
Estimates and proposal package quotes once signed are non-negotiable unless otherwise stated in writing by Rachel Whitney.
Pricing is based on a rate-card that may be updated throughout the year to reflect inflation, demand and team skills.
Pricing estimates are made on a case by case basis, using the rate-card as a start point while also giving consideration to: the scope of the project; the timings of a project; the industry of the client* and in some cases, the number of projects going through the studio.
Rachel Whitney’s rate card is confidential, however clients with active projects may request a copy at any time.
Rachel Whitney’s consultancy service is based out of hours work and is charged at a standard rate card/
Quotes are valid for a period of 30 days. After this time, new rates may apply, higher than those originally quoted.
As Rachel Whitney may refer you to a third-party agency to work on your project, these rates may be due for negotiation with the agent at hand if the project continues further on than agreed.
*Preferential rates are offered to charities and social enterprises, and in some cases, small businesses and start-ups.
Payment is preferred by bank transfer but can also be made in person by cash (a cash receipt will be issued) or by cheque.
Payment is split into two payments as standard (50% deposit required upfront ahead of project beginning and 50% on project culmination, in order to secure delivery of the final project assets).
In certain cases where agreed in advance and in writing payments may be made in monthly installments over the duration of a project. A unique client record is kept to manage payments and may be requested at any time by email (records will be sent within 7 days of requesting).
All payment details, pricing, estimates and proposals created by Rachel Whitney are confidential and remain the property of Rachel Whitney.
Late Fines
Payments are expected in full within 14 working days of issuing an invoice or invoice reminder (at the culmination of projects).
This may be extended to 30 days if agreed in writing by Rachel Whitney, and at her discretion.
Should a project be cancelled before completion by the client, the client must pay in full for any work that is either in progress or completed.